Sam's Work Experience Blog

Monday, July 10, 2006

Day 5

Day 5 was, to be honest, one of the days which I have enjoyed most. Firstly, I began the day by looking in some classrooms and taking some pictures of what was going on, then uploading them to this blog. After that, and after eating some scones(!), I had to watch through the first part of the Showreel 2006, which displays the Year 12s Media work. When I had looked through, I told Ricky what I thought could have been improved, and he applied fades or what was needed to sort it out.

After lunch, I had to then view the second half of the Showreel, just to check that everything was in order there. However, coming to the end of the day, this was getting quite tedious, so it was a welcome interruption when Ryd asked me to do some filming of him and Ricky for the staff music video.

Anyway, after my week at Long Road, I have to say it's been brilliant!


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