Sam's Work Experience Blog

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Day 4

I began my fourth day at Long Road writing my blog of my third day, oddly enough. But now I'm on track so I should be able to write each entry at the end of the correct day now, therefore keeping up-to-date.

My main task for today was just to try out a Final Cut session that Steve was planning to use for one of his lessons with a Year 12 Media group. All I really had to do was to have a go at the session (which involves mainly lipsynching, but also a bit of cutting), follow the instructions ad see if there were problems with the session.

As a matter of fact, there were no problems with the session itself, which was very good, but although I managed to synchronise the video with the audio pretty easily, somehow around the end of the first chorus they somehow seemed to drift apart, so by the end of the video, the video was about 2 lines behind the audio!

After quite a while though, Steve fixed this problem, and the session appears to be pretty much going to plan at the moment. Anyway, I am just finishing my blog for the day - so I'll wirte more tomorrow.


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